In the movie “Hansel and Gretel” by MGM based on the story of Hansel and Gretel by the Brothers Grimm, there are a few differences between the original fairy tale and the film depiction. Almost all of the differences found in the film can be explained the need to be modernized. A movie about the
original story would be appreciated less in the eyes of producers in Hollywood and by a modern audience. In the original fairy tale, the stepmother convinces the father that, in order to survive, they had to get rid of the children. The father doesn’t want to do it, but he sides with her decision anyway. The father agrees to lead his children into the woods both times, but feels guilty after each attempt. They led the children into the forest twice as an attempt to get rid of them for good. However, in the movie, the mother gets mad at the kids for leaving the donkey inside of the house. After sending them to collect berries, the children got lost and
the mother figure became concerned, but she was relieved when they found their way home. The father attempts to look for the children in this version and helps save them from the witch before taking them home again. Both stories follow a similar plot line, but they are very different because of character actions and their intended audience. In both versions, the witch was an evil character, just like the stepmother in the fairy tale. However, in the movie, I would not consider the mother to be an evil character because she does not attempt to abandon the children and she feels extreme guilt when they don’t return home after she sent them to pick berries.
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